Just Host Web Hosting Features

From the business owner to the individual who desires full functionality on a small budget, Just Host provides your complete web hosting solution.

  • FREE Domain Name
  • FREE Email Address
  • Plenty of Disk Space
  • FREE Website Builder
  • 1-Click WordPress Install
Features Overview
Disk Storage Your Choice
Number of Websites Your Choice
FREE Drag & Drop Site Builder
FREE Domain Name Registration for 1 Year* One Year
Support International Domain Names
POP3 / POP3 Secure eMail Support UNLIMITED
IMAP / Secure IMAP eMail Support UNLIMITED
3 Different Webmail Solutions
Forwarding eMail Accounts UNLIMITED
Site Transfer Your Choice
Add-On Domains UNLIMITED
Parked Domains UNLIMITED
Subdomains UNLIMITED
cPanel Account Control Panel
FTP Access
Web File Manager
Secure Shell (SSH) Access
Server Side Includes
Hotlink Protection
Override .htaccess Support
Log Files
Site Statistics
Customizable Error Pages
Custom Cron Jobs
Spam Assassin Protection
eMail Autoresponder
CGI / Databases
MySQL Databases
PostgreSQL Databases
CGI Library
PHP 5 & 7
Support for Custom PHP.INI Files
Perl 5
Ruby / Ruby on Rails
Javascript Support
DHTML Support
Flash Support
Shockwave Support
1-Click Script Installs
Multimedia Features
Streaming Video Support
Streaming Audio Support
Real Audio & Video Support
MIDI File Support
Add Custom MIME Types:
1-Click App
1-Click WordPress Install
1-Click Site Builder Install
1-Click TomatoCart Install
1-Click Concrete5 Install
1-Click Drupal Install
1-Click Joomla Install
1-Click Magento Install
1-Click OS Commerce Install
1-Click OS Commerce Install
Free Website Scripts
Message Forum (PHPBB & more)
Form-Mail Scripts
Social Networking Scripts
Blog Support (WordPress, b2evolution,...)
Mailing Lists
Image Galleries (Coppermine & more)
Poll & Survey Software
Project Management Scripts
Help Center / Support Ticket Scripts
eCommerce Features
SSL Secure Server
OS Commerce Shopping Cart
Agora Shopping Cart
Cube Cart Shopping Cart
Zen Cart Shopping Cart
Password Protected Directories
World Class Technology
Dual Quad Processor Performance Servers
UPS Power Backup
Diesel Generator Backup Power
Linux Operating System
Customized Apache Web Server
24/7 Network Monitoring
Multiple 10 Gigabit Ethernet Connections

* The introductory prices are for the first term of service only and automatically renew at the regular rate. 30 Day Hosting Money Back Guarantee, does not extend to domains or add-on products.